The regulatory innovation movement continues to flourish this spring as initiatives across the country sprout, blossom, and grow. In the allied legal professionals space, Oregon recently welcomed its first licensed paralegals (10 in total). In Colorado, over 70 potential Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals will sit for the first exam next month. In Minnesota, a public comment period regarding the Final Report and Recommendations issued by the Legal Paraprofessional Pilot Project’s Standing Committee is open and has been extended to April 30. In Michigan, the Justice for All Commission Regulatory and Practice Reform Committee Nonlawyer Legal Services Subcommittee recently released its Report and Recommendations on Increasing Access to Justice Through Paralegal and Associated Professionals Pilot Programs.

On the community-based justice worker front, Arizona recently issued an amendment to the two administrative orders that authorize community-based legal advocates. One key change is the broadening of definitions to allow more community-based organizations to participate. You can learn more about the diverse landscape of community-based justice workers in Arizona and across the country in this blog post. In South Carolina, the Supreme Court recently ruled that the state’s NAACP branch can train volunteers who are not lawyers to give limited legal advice to tenants facing eviction.

Regulator innovation also continues to be a topic of interest on the conference circuit. Multiple presentations focused on regulatory reform were offered at the LSC Innovations in Technology Conference in Charlotte in early February and an entire conference devoted to community justice workers took place in Tempe later in the month. Upcoming conferences and events featuring regulatory innovation can be found in the Events section below.
Jessica Bednarz
March 2024
March 26: “Here's how Puebloans facing divorce, child custody cases can get low-cost legal help” in the Pueblo Chieftain

March 21: “Embracing innovation: Nonlawyers should be allowed to own Ontario law firms” on Law360 Canada

March 20: “Why Arizona Law Firms Are a Hot Investment for Private Equity” in the Wall Street Journal

March 20: “North Carolina group revamps lawsuit over legal practice rules” on Reuters

March 13
: “New Training for Lay Legal Advocates in Arizona Aims to Expand Access to Justice Statewide” on LawSites

March 13: “Innovation for Justice Training 37 New Legal Advocates in Arizona this Spring” on the i4J website

March 4: “Readout of Office for Access to Justice Director Rachel Rossi’s Trip to Arizona” on the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs website

February 26: “The North Carolina Justice for All Project: From Foundation to First Amendment Lawsuit” on IAALS Blog

February 26
: “Why Law Firms Could Be Private Equity’s Next Conquest” in Forbes

February 26: “North Carolina AG seeks to toss lawsuit over legal practice rules” on Reuters

February 22: “The Diverse Landscape of Community-Based Justice Workers” on IAALS Blog

February 14
: “South Carolina court says NAACP program doesn't violate legal practice curbs” on Reuters

February 14: “NAACP-trained nonlawyers may provide limited advice to tenants facing eviction, top state court says” in the ABA Journal

February 13: “Texas Proposal to Expand Legal Access Exposes Opponents’ Reliance on False Narratives” on IAALS Blog

February 13
: “On LawNext: How A New Kind of Justice Worker Could Narrow the Justice Gap, with Nikole Nelson, CEO of Frontline Justice” on Lawsites

February 12: “Let’s Broaden North Carolina’s Regulatory Sandbox” on the Locke Foundation website

February 12: “NAACP Secures Legal Victory, Clearing Path for Housing Advocate Program in South Carolina” on the NAACP website

February 6: “NC paralegals fight for your right to give advice” in the Carolina Journal

February 5: “SRA launches review of consumer protection” on the Solicitors Regulation Authority website
“Re-Regulating Justice: Realizing Housing Stability Through Community Legal Advocacy” in the Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law

Polaski v. Stein (amended complaint)

Report and Recommendations on Increased Access to Justice Through Paralegal and Associated Professionals Pilot Programs from the Michigan Justice for All Commission

Veterans Guardian VA Clai Consulting, LLC v. Platkin (Third Circuit Opinion)

“Expanding Access to Justice: Arizona Legal Paraprofessionals in Year 3” in Arizona Attorney

Community Justice Workers Panel from the Legal Aid Association of California
Visit our Knowledge Center to track what's happening around the country and the world when it comes to legal regulation, as well as submit information and sign up for notifications.
The Minnesota Supreme Court is currently piloting a legal paraprofessional program, which allows approved Minnesota legal paraprofessionals to represent and advise clients in select housing and family matters with oversight by a licensed Minnesota attorney. The full report and recommendations to the supreme court can be read here

The supreme court is seeking comments from the public until April 30. IAALS encourages our partners in the fight to close the justice gap and expand the reach of legal services to offer feedback. 
Here are some upcoming events during which regulatory reform or innovation has been identified as a topic for discussion. For purposes of this events section, we are defining regulatory reform and innovation as rethinking how legal services are regulated and delivered and as expanding the ecosystem of service providers who can deliver legal help.

April 2: “Legal Licensing Reform: Does the World Need More Lawyers?” event

April 11
: CodeX FutureLaw 2024

April 16–18: 2024 National Federation of Paralegal Associations Joint Conference

April 16
“Redesigning Legal: Cultivating an Oasis in Legal Service Deserts” webinar

May 9–11: 2024 Equal Justice Conference
IAALS is a national, independent research center dedicated to facilitating continuous improvement and advancing excellence in the American legal system. Our mission is to forge innovative and practical solutions to problems within the American legal system. 

in the Future of the American Legal System

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IAALS - Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System
University of Denver
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Denver, CO 80208
