International Law School Bases Simulations on Israeli Air Force Pilot Training

December 21, 2015

Legal education has been undergoing a great metamorphosis to adapt to a changing legal market. In recent years, we have witnessed an increase of interest in experiential learning, with the ultimate goal of getting law students ready to enter the profession. Here at IAALS, we are beginning to learn exactly what foundations new lawyers need to practice, and how schools and employers can respond, but we know one thing for sure: innovation will drive the future of legal education.

One international school is making strides in that direction. Ono Academic College in Israel has launched a Simulation and Training Center that is fully experiential, applying teaching methodologies initially used to train Israeli air force pilots and later adapted for medical training. Grounded in theoretical and empirical education research, the Center’s methodology provides an example of how technology can be leveraged to provide experiential education to a large number of students.