• Image of Brittany Kauffman
    Brittany Kauffman
The National Center for State Courts recently released an “explainer video” for courts to use as a resource when educating the public about the role of our state courts. The video looks back at the establishment of the judicial branch and the vision of our founders—of a court system that makes decisions based on law not public opinion, that is fair and impartial, that is accountable to the law and the Constitution, and open to people.
  • Image of Brittany Kauffman
    Brittany Kauffman
Over the past two years, IAALS has been collaborating with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) on a three-year project to support the modernization and transformation of civil litigation in our state courts. In October we hosted our final meeting for the Midwest Region in Kansas City, Missouri, where over 40 states and territories attended.
  • Image of Rebecca Love Kourlis
    Rebecca Love Kourlis
As a former president of the ACTL and one of our very first board members, Ozzie has been an invaluable resource at IAALS, and his steadfast dedication to the organization has been critical to its success. We thank him for over a decade of hard work at IAALS and his continued support of our mission.
  • Image of John Montgomery
    John Montgomery
Many courts across the country struggle with overburdened staff and inefficient processes. However, those within the judiciary are now turning to technology to make their courts more efficient and narrow the equal justice gap.
  • Image of John Montgomery
    John Montgomery
At IAALS, much of our work centers around increasing access to civil justice—especially for those who are navigating our legal system without the assistance of a lawyer. As more and more litigants represent themselves, by choice or necessity, the need for a broader infrastructure to support them is essential, both inside and outside the court. IAALS’ Court Compass project is leading the charge in that arena.
  • Photo of Laila Robbins
    Laila Robbins
State courts, where 95 percent of all cases are filed, are powerful. Their decisions can have profound effects on our rights and our lives—from whether Massachusetts officials can detain people based on a request from federal immigration authorities to whether a Michigan voter-initiated redistricting proposal could appear on the ballot.
  • Image of John Montgomery
    John Montgomery
More and more law schools and legal educators are embracing the fact that legal theory and skill aren’t enough to satisfy today’s legal employers. In response to this new reality, R. Lisle Baker, Professor of Law at Suffolk University in Boston, has created a course on Positive Psychology for law students.
  • Image of Dan Slayton
    Dan Slayton
On November 6, Coconino County became the first rural county in Arizona to voluntarily change from a partisan-popular election of superior court judges to a merit selection-judicial retention election.
  • Image of John Montgomery
    John Montgomery
  • Image of Heather
    Heather Buchanan
For years, law school graduates have struggled to find full-time employment, facing a highly saturated, fiercely competitive job market. There continues to be a gap between what law schools teach and what legal employers expect from new graduates—and not enough traditional law firm positions to hire them all.
  • Image of Heather
    Heather Buchanan
Although the idea of equal protection under the law has long been at the heart of the American legal system, equal access to justice is still not a reality for many people. Former American Bar Association President Robert J. Grey Jr. discusses this equal justice gap in a recent piece for the ABA Journal.
  • Image of Brittany Kauffman
    Brittany Kauffman
This week IAALS is cohosting the first in a series of webinars with NCSC focused on providing practical information and guidance on implementing civil justice reform. The webinars are part of our three-year Civil Justice Initiative implementation project focused on providing support for on-the-ground reform.
  • Image of Zachariah DeMeola
    Zachariah DeMeola
Since publishing the results of our Foundations for Practice survey, we have been using those results in the second phase of the project to work with select law schools to develop a set of learning outcomes, assessments, instructional designs, and hiring tools to instill and identify desired characteristics, competencies, and skills in future lawyers.