New Website Matches Users to Find Support in Divorce

February 3, 2016

Likened to an emergency tool kit for divorce, is one of many online divorce support groups that have been appearing in recent years. Wendy Paris, author of Splitopiarecently interviewed a co-founder of the organization, who spoke about the power created “when people going through like experiences had the ability to talk to each other,” and how DivorceForce helps facilitate that interaction.

Launched in November 2015, the site matches individuals undergoing similar experiences and allows them to share their stories and support one another. In addition, the site also provides calendar tools for divorcing parents to use in coordinating schedules and reducing conflict surrounding child custody arrangements.

These tools and systems of encouragement come at a much needed time to those going through divorce. As Paris recognizes, “our main conversational partner has left the building, and it’s up to us to actively find others to talk to who offer support and insight.”

Hunter Metcalf is a third-year law student at the University of Colorado Law School and contributes to IAALS Online. Please direct inquiries about this post to