A report cover with people carrying a key and unlocking paths for legal workers
Unlocking Legal Regulation
Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future
This report lays out a set of 12 recommendations drawn from recent regulatory innovation discussions, covering a range of areas including stakeholders to engage, program structure and requirements, messaging, and research and data.
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A report cover with dark gray background and stylized JPE 2.0 text in white, as well as the IAALS logo and report title
National Perspectives on Judicial Performance Evaluation
This report details survey findings from judges across eight states, revealing their perspectives on judicial performance evaluation (JPE) processes in their states today, what is working well, and challenges with their programs.
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report cover with path in the shape of scales
Paths to Justice
The Bold Steps We Need to Reform Civil Justice
IAALS' Paths to Justice summit series explored the paths of the pandemic, the paths to access, and the paths to racial justice that our system must walk in our new normal. The issue papers from the summit continue to have strong relevance, and are published here with clear themes as guideposts to improve our justice system.
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cover of the report with title and graphic of people working together around a lock
Community & Cooperation
Action Steps toward Unlocking Legal Regulation
Stemming from our 2022 Community & Cooperation convening, this report distills key themes and recommendations for next steps aimed at bolstering existing regulatory innovation efforts and kickstarting new ones, and creating opportunities to engage new people and perspectives in the movement.
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report cover featuring red pawns in two states connection to other white pawns in other states
Allied Legal Professionals: A National Framework for Program Growth
This report summarizes best practices for allied legal professional (ALP) programs, including 18 high-level recommendations, that can serve as a guide for states considering, implementing, or refining ALP programs.
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timeline of court events on cover of publication
The Past & Future of State Court Civil Filings
In this report, IAALS explores a longer-term view of civil filings in our state courts and provides additional insights into the specific role that courts have played in resolving cases, how that role might be changing, and the factors that are expected to continue to influence the filing of cases in our state court system going forward.
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report cover page with title and partner logos
A Renewed Analysis of the Expedited Action Rules in Texas Courts
Civil Justice Initiative
In this report from the Civil Justice Initiative, the Texas Office of Court Administration, the National Center for State Courts, and IAALS found that rules adopted by the Supreme Court of Texas in 2012 have expedited the resolution of cases—both before and after the pandemic.
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publication cover with magnifying glass over figurines
The Landscape of Allied Legal Professional Programs in the United States
This report examines why many states have begun to create a new tier of legal service providers who are not lawyers, and describes the similarities and differences between each program. The report is designed to be used as a resource for states interested in creating their own program to understand not only what other states’ programs consist of, but also the reasoning behind many of their decisions.
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publication cover with puzzle pieces
Unbundled Legal Services in the New Normal
This report details the key discussion points from the Unbundled Legal Services in the New Normal conference, focusing on how the pandemic helped normalize digitization and the use of technology for legal service providers generally—and how to further advance unbundled legal services nationwide.
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cover of the report with title and authorship information and graphic of JPE 2.0
Judicial Performance Evaluation in the States
The IAALS JPE 2.0 Pre-Convening White Paper
This white paper is a primer on the general purposes and history of judicial performance evaluation (JPE); the various evaluation criteria, tools, and procedures used in JPE programs; the varying perspectives on JPE; and issues in the realm of JPE warranting focused consideration going forward.
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cover of the publication
Justice Needs and Satisfaction in the United States of America
This report provides nationwide data on the justice needs that people in the United States experience every day and a deeper understanding of how people in the United States resolve those justice needs, as well as what is working and what isn’t, to inform and help target reform efforts.
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Foundations: Hiring Guide
Foundations: Hiring Guide
Cut through Bias. Hire & Retain the Best Lawyers.
This guide is for employers who want to improve their hiring practices—to improve quality, retention, and diversity—based on what IAALS has learned from the Foundations for Practice project. The guide is a set of principles and recommendations geared toward hiring candidates suited to excel at an organization— based on that organization’s practice, vision, goals, and needs—that can be adapted to the specific objectives and goals of different employers.
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Foundations: Instructional Design Guide
Foundations: Instructional Design Guide
Use Learning Outcomes & Standards-Based Assessments to Train Better Lawyers
This instructional design guide is for educators who are interested in using what IAALS has learned from the Foundations for Practice project as a basis for learning outcomes and standards-based assessments. The guide uses a step-by-step approach to implement a Foundations-based instructional model in the university law classroom.
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Pandemic Protocols cover
Initial Discovery Protocols
for Business Interruption Insurance Disputes Arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Similar Public Health Threats
These Initial Discovery Protocols provide a new pretrial procedure that aims to reduce conflict and cost and to help businesses and insurers reach quick resolution during the COVID-19 pandemic, whether it be in settlement, motions practice, or trial. They are designed to be implemented by trial judges, lawyers, and litigants in state and federal courts.
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Pandemic Positives cover
Pandemic Positives
Extending the Reach of Court and Legal Services
Through detailed case studies, this report showcases the innovation occurring in courts, self-help centers, legal aid centers, and law/public libraries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lessons learned from these organizations can be helpful to others that are still updating their services or exploring adding virtual services.
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