Community & Cooperation

Through its Unlocking Legal Regulation work, IAALS is deeply involved in regulatory innovation happening across the United States and supports pilot projects for risk-based regulation in Utah and other states, including identifying metrics and conducting empirical research to evaluate outcomes. IAALS also continues to provide information and research to lawyers, judges, and the public on regulatory issues.
As a growing number of states pursue the regulatory sandbox model or consider regulatory innovation in other ways, IAALS is focusing on creating synergies between and among these efforts. In June 2022, IAALS hosted a two-day convening, Unlocking Legal Regulation: Community & Cooperation, which brought together a group of leaders from states considering or implementing regulatory innovations in order to discuss models of collaboration.
This report distills the various conversations that occurred over the course of that convening into key themes and recommendations for next steps aimed at bolstering existing regulatory innovation efforts and kickstarting new ones, and creating opportunities to engage new people and perspectives in the movement.