Unlocking Legal Regulation

Through its Unlocking Legal Regulation work, IAALS is deeply involved in regulatory innovation happening across the United States. The regulatory innovation movement is now at a point where leaders can draw upon their past experiences and share out what has worked and should be replicated, as well as what has not and needs further consideration. To this end, in October 2023, IAALS hosted its third convening, which brought together a group of leaders from states considering or implementing regulatory innovation to focus on the following three objectives:
- Objective 1: Learn from past and current regulatory innovation initiatives to develop an initial round of recommendations that supplement existing resources for launching and sustaining regulatory reform.
- Objective 2: Determine which stakeholder relationships the regulatory innovation community needs to further develop, and what resources and research still need to be developed to launch new regulatory innovation initiatives and to sustain existing ones.
- Objective 3: Strengthen existing relationships—and develop new ones—so the group can continue to work together and build momentum as one regulatory innovation community.
This report outlines the convening topics and relevant discussion, and lays out a set of 12 recommendations drawn from those discussions, covering which stakeholders to engage, program structure and requirements, messaging, research and data, and other areas.