Welcome to IAALS Online

October 22, 2012

In 2006, IAALS opened its doors in a small adjunct office on campus at the University of Denver. With little more than a folding table and chairs, we embarked on a journey to improve the civil justice system. Today, we are a vibrant, national research center, and more committed than ever to continuous improvement of the civil justice system.

That is why we decided to launch IAALS Online. Our work depends on so many—it depends on the lawyers, judges, legislators, researchers, bar leaders, court administrators, litigants and others we’ve worked with to research, implement, and measure solutions to advance a more accessible, efficient and accountable civil justice system. And it depends on all of you who are committed to a legal system that serves society as intended. We believe IAALS Online will allow us to harness the power of national conversations to identify and improve solutions for a stronger system.

We have reached out to four former state supreme court chief justices who have worked with us closely over the years and asked them to talk about our work in a series we’ve called Chief Among Our Concerns.

We invite you to learn more about our initiatives: whether you are most interested in news updates from around the country, our informed opinions, or guest posts by our stakeholders and partners; or whether you prefer to browse by initiative: Quality Judges, Rule One, Honoring Families, and Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers.

We also hope you’ll subscribe by email or RSS feed to receive daily updates.

Since 2006, we have met countless people who are invested in improving our legal system, but we know there are countless more. So this week, with the launch of IAALS Online, we embark on a new journey. Thanks for joining us.