
Since opening its doors, IAALS has been at the forefront of efforts to improve and expand programs for evaluating the performance of state and federal court judges. JPE 2.0 represents the next stage in IAALS’ work: to reexamine approaches to judicial performance evaluation programs in order to assure that they remain accurate, trusted, and relevant.

This invitation-only convening, JPE 2.0: Modernizing Judicial Performance Evaluation, brought together thought leaders from across the country to begin formulating recommendations for the future. Convening participants reviewed the current tools and criteria for measuring judicial performance, identified contemporary issues and challenges facing state JPE programs, and worked toward developing approaches to judicial evaluations that more fully capture the experience of modern court users, the needs of modern judges, and the expectations of modern voters.

Outcomes from the convening will help formalize IAALS’ forthcoming recommendations for modernizing the evaluation process nationwide.

More information about IAALS' JPE 2.0 project is available here.