Cynthia Coffman’s legal career began 24 years ago as a courtroom attorney in the Georgia Attorney General’s Office. She then worked as a lawyer for the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta first in Finance & Management Services, and later in risk management. After the domestic terrorist attack in Olympic Park, she became the primary liaison with victims and their families.
Cynthia’s first job in Denver was working for the Colorado General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Council. She staffed the Senate Judiciary Committee and assisted with a study of the state’s adult parole system. She then went on to serve on senior management team at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Cynthia moved to the State Capitol, where she had the honor of serving as Chief Counsel to Colorado Governor. Then, in March of 2005, was appointed Chief Deputy Attorney General. She proudly filled this role for 10 years, acting as chief of staff and chief operating officer for the largest law firm in the State of Colorado. Colorado Law Week recognized Cynthia’s accomplishments by naming her as the Best Public Sector Lawyer in September 2012.
In November 2014, Cynthia was elected the 38th Attorney General of Colorado.