Loyola University Chicago School of Law is a student-focused law center inspired by the Jesuit tradition of academic excellence, intellectual openness, and service to others. Our mission is to educate diverse, talented students to be responsible leaders in a rapidly changing, interdependent world, to prepare graduates who will be ethical advocates for justice and the rule of law, and to contribute to a deeper understanding of law and legal institutions through a commitment to research, scholarship, and public service.
The School of Law engages in an ongoing cycle of strategic planning and program assessment designed to prepare our students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to be practice-ready. As just one example of this commitment, the School of Law requires that every student successfully complete an experiential learning experience (minimum 2 credits) working under intensive faculty supervision in a live-client clinic (including those that require the students to perform transaction and business counseling skills); externship placements; a practicum; or a comprehensive simulation.
As of the 2012-2013 academic year, over 120 courses were designated as skills courses and 45 courses were designated as experiential courses. The School of Law offers several live-client clinical opportunities and a vibrant externship program, which provide a professional learning environment for a large number of students. Over 100 externship field placements are available each semester with public service organizations, governmental agencies, the judiciary, corporations, NGOs, commissions, and organizations serving the legal community.