The University of Oklahoma College of Law is committed to providing graduates with the tools they need to succeed in tomorrow’s legal marketplace. Toward that end, OU Law is creating new classes and launching initiatives that give students opportunities to experience the world of legal practice that awaits them.
- In our new Transactional Law Practicum, students work with local lawyers to complete simulated public corporate transactions and business startup transactions. Volunteer lawyers from Oklahoma City participate in the class and act as mentors for a group of students. The lawyers then host the students’ final presentation in their offices in Oklahoma City.
- In our new How to Drill a Well course, teams of OU Law students work under the supervision of an in-house lawyer at one of several Oklahoma City oil and gas companies to simulate the development of a new oil or gas well. Weekly tasks require students to use legal principles learned in courses like Contracts, Property, and Environmental Law as they plan their project, negotiate, and draft the documents needed to acquire mineral rights, contract with drillers, and bring an operating well into production.
- In the fall of 2014, OU Law was the first law school in the country to launch a college-wide Digital Initiative which provides an iPad to every student. Students have training opportunities throughout the year on the use of their iPads in law practice and law school studying.