Wendy Paris is the author of Splitopia: Dispatches from Today’s Good Divorce and How to Part Well (Atria books/Simon & Schuster, Spring 2016).
Before writing Splitopia, she worked as a print and electronic journalist for more than 20 years, covering relationships, culture, art, dating, and marriage. Her articles and essays have appeared in The New York Times, Psychology Today, The New York Observer, The Guardian, Marketplace Radio, Travel & Leisure, Qz.com, Salon.com, Self, Jewish Week, Portfolio.com, and other outlets.
She is the author of a humorous dating guide based on fairy tales, Happily Ever After: The Fairy Tale Formula for Lasting Love (Harper Collins, 2001; translated into 14 languages), and the co-author of the wedding-planning guide Words for the Wedding: 1000 Quotes on Love and Marriage (Perigee/Penguin-Putnam, 2011, 2000).
Wendy was a 2014 Fellow with the Washington D.C.-based think-tank New America and 2012 Encore Fellow through Encore.org. Wendy has an MFA in Creative Non-Fiction Writing from Columbia University. She blogs about the good divorce at Psychologytoday.com. She volunteers as a mentor-editor with the Op-Ed Project.
She lives in Los Angeles with her son, three blocks up from the beach from her former husband, with whom she has a warm co-parenting relationship.
Wendy is currently organizing Splitopia workshops to help others make positive, productive choices as they go through divorce and co-parenting.
Visit her website at http://wendyparis.com.