Click here for more information on our distiguished presenters.

Thursday, October 26

8:00 a.m.  Welcome & Introductions

Hon. Rebecca Love Kourlis, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS)

Charles Garcia, ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services

8:10 a.m.  Unbundling Legal Services: Past, Present, and Future

Forrest S. Mosten, Solo Practice in Family Law and Adjunct Professor of Law, UCLA

8:30 a.m.  Unbundling within the Access Ecosystem

The session looks at key developments to expand access to justice and the role of unbundled legal services within that context.

Hon. Laurie Zelon, The Justice for All Project

Glenn Rawdon, Legal Services Corporation Legal Portals Project 

9:00 a.m.  The Baseline – What We Know from the Research

Recent research provides us with a sense of where we are with unbundled legal services. What do pro se litigants want? What are lawyers providing? Presentations on the research involving unbundled legal services will be followed by small group discussions.

Client Demand: Natalie A. Knowlton, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS)

Lawyer Usage: Sara Smith, ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services

Moderator: John Greacen, Greacen Associates, LLC

10:00 a.m.  Break

10:15 a.m.  Unbundling for the NextGen – From law schools to incubators to pro bono

How do we reach law students, newly-admitted lawyers and even seasoned practitioners to provide a broader platform of unbundled legal services and maybe some experimentation?

Within Law Schools: Danielle Hirsch, Loyola University Chicago School of Law

Within Lawyer Incubators: Luz E. Herrera, Texas A&M University School of Law

Within the Pro Bono Community: Monica Fennell, Faegre Baker Daniels

Moderator: Andrew Schepard, Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University 

11:00 a.m.  Perspectives from Practitioners

What do we know about the practitioner’s experience with unbundled legal services? Are certain client populations better served than others? Are unbundled legal services more affordable? More accessible? Experienced unbundling lawyers share their insights, followed by small group discussions about how to encourage lawyers to provide unbundled services and what we can learn from those who do. Presentations will be followed by small group discussions.

Forrest S. Mosten, Solo Practice in Family Law and Adjunct Professor of Law, UCLA

Elizabeth Scheffee, Shaheen & Gordon, P.A.

Wayne Moore, Law Office of Wayne Moore

Moderator: Keri Coleman Norris, LegalShield 

12:00 p.m.  Networking Lunch

1:00 p.m.  Best Practices

States are crawling, walking and running in the implementation of unbundling. This session begins with presentations from those who have taken bold steps to advance unbundling, followed by small group discussions about ways to encourage practitioners to provide these services and potential clients to seek them out.

Colorado Bar Roadshow: Hon. Daniel M. Taubman, Colorado Court of Appeals

Oregon Planning Process: William J. Howe, Gevurtz Menashe

The Self-Represented Litigant Legal Coaching Class: Dayna Cornwall, The National Self-Represented Litigants Project

Moderator: Hon. Mark Juhas, Superior Court of Los Angeles County 

2:15 p.m.  Break

2:30 p.m  Collaboration: Where are the opportunities?

Unbundling cannot be successful in a vacuum. This session explores a wide variety of collaborative stakeholders and the nexuses they create for greater unbundled legal services, followed by small group discussions about the roles of collaborators and the creation of their interactions.

The Judiciary: Hon. Dina Fein, Western Division of the Massachusetts Housing Courts

Self-Help Centers: Bonnie Hough, California Judicial Council

Law Libraries: Dan Cordova, Colorado Supreme Court Library

Group and Prepaid Legal Services: Nicolle Schippers, ARAG

Lawyer Referral Services: Theresa Hurley, Contra Costa County Bar Association

Moderator: Jon Asher

4:00 p.m.  What if? Technology and that which is still locked in our imaginations

Technology creates a new set of dynamics for the implementation of unbundled legal services, from the straightforward directory to that which have not even conceived yet. This session looks at current tech-based endeavors, followed by small group discussions that consider the unimaginable. 

Online Document Preparation: Tony Lai, Stanford Center for Legal Informatics (CodeX) and

Artificial Intelligence: Abhijeet Chavan, Urban Insight

Virtual Advice: Esther Sirotnik, Avvo

Moderator: Richard Granat, DirectLaw, Inc.

5:00 - 6:00 p.m.  Cocktail Hour

An unaffiliated but related event is taking place in Denver on Thursday evening: Access to Justice through Technology

Friday, October 27

8:00 a.m.  Welcome & Introductions

Dona Playton, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS)

Will Hornsby, ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services

8:15 a.m.  Decision Makers and Enabling Rules – Changes that clarify the practitioner’s path

Many lawyers don’t unbundle because they are unclear about its ethical propriety and malpractice risks. This session looks at the need for states to create rule changes that clearly chart that course and provide direction on risk assessment.

Ethics Rules: James C. Coyle, Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, Colorado Supreme Court

Rules of Civil Procedure: Will Hornsby, ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services

Process for Rule Changes: Danielle Hirsch, Illinois Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission

Malpractice Issues: Heather K. Kelly, Gordon Rees

Moderator: Brittany Kauffman, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS)

9:05 a.m.  Find Your Community

As we get ready to spend the morning developing strategic plans, conference attendees will self-select into groups. This exercise will help attendees make their selections.

9:15 a.m.  Arranging of Small Group Settings

9:30 a.m.  Breakout for Strategic Planning

10:45 a.m.  Break

11:00 a.m.  Reports on Strategic Plans

11:30 a.m.  Wrap-up and Next Steps

12:00 p.m.  Adjourn

Click here for more information on our distiguished presenters.