This webinar explored the practical impacts of the one-year Civil Justice Initiative Pilot Project (CJIPP) in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida (Miami-Dade) based on Recommendation 7 of the CCJ Civil Justice Improvements Committee: developing “civil case management teams consisting of a responsible judge supported by appropriately trained staff.”
Judge Jennifer Bailey, Judge Thomas Rebull, and civil case manager Yanitza Madrigal discussed their experiences in creating civil case management teams (CCMTs) to support effective civil case processing. The webinar focused on how the court organized the CJIPP teams, the roles and responsibilities of team members, and the training and business practices implemented by the court. They also shared lessons learned from the challenges they encountered during implementation.
2:00pm to 3:15pm EDT
About the Series: A distinct challenge in supporting civil justice reform efforts is providing education and technical assistance to state court leadership and other stakeholders involved in civil justice reform at a national level and that is both comprehensive enough to support broad reform and specific enough to see impact. IAALS has collaborated with NCSC on a three-year Civil Justice Initiative implementation project that has included regional workshops, technical assistance, and the development of a number of tools to support reform. This series of 60 to 90-minute webinars on discrete topics related to civil justice reform is one more way to meet this challenge for both the bench and bar. The live webinars are available for up to 150 individuals and state teams on a first-come basis, and digitized recordings of the webinars remain available as part of the broader Civil Justice Initiative collection of tools and resources. Past webinars in this series have featured essential pathway rules and procedures and how the business process can be leveraged to support civil justice reform.