Comment to the ABA Task Force on the Future of Legal Education

Former Senior Director
February 15, 2013
During the ABA’s 2013 mid-year meeting, the Task Force on the Future of Legal Education heard testimony from individuals about opportunities to improve legal education. Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers took this opportunity to submit a comment focused on aligning legal education with the needs of an evolving profession. The comment had six main recommendations:
- Law schools should prepare law students for practice in a changing world.
- Law schools should involve and listen to a diverse group of stakeholders including practitioners, judges, and clients.
- Law schools and legal educators should collaborate and share what they teach so that new programs and curricula may develop and evolve.
- Law schools should incentivize innovation and superior teaching to reward legal educators for continual improvement.
- Law schools should value the teaching of professional identity as a vital core competency.
- A system to measure and assess law schools preparation of students is necessary to determine what programs and strategies work to educate students for an ever-evolving profession.