Image of Colin L. Campbell

Justice Campbell has established a mediation, arbitration, and case management practice following a distinguished career as litigation counsel and 15 years as a judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. For 31 years his litigation practice was primarily in the civil (professional negligence) and corporate commercial fields at all levels of courts and before regulatory tribunals across Canada, including numerous appearances before the Supreme Court of Canada. Prior to his appointment to the Superior Court in 1998, Colin trained and practised in both mediation and arbitration and was a bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada.

As a judge he chaired the Task Force on Discovery in Ontario. Colin is a member of the Joint Task Force on Discovery and Civil Justice of the American College of Trial Lawyers and IAALS.

He is a founding member of what is known as Sedona Canada, a founding director of Pro Bono Law Ontario, and a member of the Board of the Canadian Conference of Judicial Mediation. Colin has been active in judicial case management, settlement and mediation as the team leader of long trials, and for the last 7 years, has sat on the Commercial List in Toronto.