From One to Many: Read the 2023 IAALS Annual Report

April 24, 2024

The world at large is constantly evolving, and so must our civil justice system.

IAALS is uniquely positioned to bring that change. Our nonpartisan, independent approach cuts through the noise that consumes our modern society and empowers data-backed, people-centered innovations that are taking hold in courts, in law schools, and within the legal profession across the country. IAALS is focused on improving how our system serves people today, while also anticipating and preparing for future needs.

From idea to impact—from one to many—IAALS is jumpstarting the groundbreaking and achievable solutions that will clear a path to justice for us all.

In our 2023 Annual Report, we highlight how our work centers the people and how our solutions cascade from IAALS to the millions who benefit nationwide.

You are at the heart of our success. Our partners and collaborators power our solutions and empower the changemakers who bring them to life. Together, we are creating the future of civil justice.

Read and download our 2023 Annual Report.