• Image of Marnee Baker
    Marnee Baker
Consistent with the promise made in its mission statement to “blend practical skills training with legal theory throughout the curriculum,” Golden Gate University School of Law integrates skills training and professional development across its curriculum, preparing students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders in the legal profession. This commitment to experiential learning and fostering professional identity within law students makes GGU Law an ideal partner within the Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers Consortium.
  • Image of Malia Reddick
    Malia Reddick
Facing sentencing for a corruption conviction and a house resolution calling for her impeachment, Justice Joan Orie Melvin announced her resignation, effective May 1. Supporters of judicial selection reform are optimistic that these developments will lend momentum to efforts to move to merit selection of the state’s appellate judges.
  • Image of Cindy Pham
    Cindy Pham
The divorce rate among baby boomers has reached an all-time high of 25 percent, with many more newly single 50-somethings experiencing difficulties planning and saving for retirement. USA Today reports that it will cost "at least 50% more to retire for boomers who divorce," as there is much less time to make up any economic losses before retirement.
  • Image of Cindy Pham
    Cindy Pham
In a recent article, The Huffington Post offers advice on how families with teens can better cope with divorce. Divorce can particularly stress family relationships involving teenagers; teens are already struggling to establish their identity, separate from each parent, and divorce compounds these issues.
  • Image of Malia Reddick
    Malia Reddick
Four former Pennsylvania governors, including two Democrats and two Republicans, joined together in expressing support for a proposal to change the way the state’s appellate judges are selected. A bill introduced in the senate in January calls for appellate judges to be chosen through a merit selection process rather than in partisan elections.
  • Image of Brittany Kauffman
    Brittany Kauffman
The District of Nevada adopted a Short Trial Program on March 11, 2013. The Short Trial Rules include the express purpose of expediting "civil trials (both bench trials and jury trials) through procedures designed to control the length of the trial, including, without limitation, restrictions on discovery, the use of smaller juries, and time limits for presentation of evidence."
  • Image of Malia Reddick
    Malia Reddick
By a vote of 28-12, the senate gave final approval to a bill that ends the role of the nominating commission in appointing court of appeals judges and requires senate confirmation of such appointments. The house of representatives passed the bill earlier this month. The constitution need not be amended to accomplish the change.
  • Image of Zachary Willis
    Zachary Willis
Last week, Karen J. Mathis was presented with the Community Service Award by the University of Denver. After a distinguished professional career, which included serving as president of the ABA, Executive Director of the Central European and Eurasion Legal Initiative Institute in Prague, and President and CEO of Big Brother Big Sisters of America, Karen returned to her college alma mater last year, to serve as IAALS' Associate Executive Director.
  • Image of Malia Reddick
    Malia Reddick
The house of representatives approved with a 78-14 vote a proposed constitutional amendment that would alter the process for selecting Tennessee’s appellate judges. The senate approved the measure 29-2 in February. The legislature also approved the proposal in 2012, so it will be on the ballot in 2014.
  • Image of Zachary Willis
    Zachary Willis
Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson of the Texas Supreme Court issued his State of the Judiciary message on March 6. In his remarks, Chief Justice Jefferson, who is also member of the Quality Judges Initiative O’Connor Advisory Committee, called for greater access to justice for litigants and families across the socioeconomic spectrum and more efficient courts that can process cases in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Image of Cindy Pham
    Cindy Pham
The Business Insider has compiled a list of the 9 most costly cities for divorcees. The list considered each city's average fee rate for divorce attorneys in addition to the financial impact of each state's different spousal support laws, asset division procedures, filing fees, and average divorce process periods.
  • Image of Cindy Pham
    Cindy Pham
The task force established to determine how to regulate marijuana in Colorado after the passage of Amendment 64 has no plans to create any laws dictating marijuana consumption in child custody cases. Use of marijuana is a factor that will be treated the same as any other kind of substance use, like alcohol and prescription drugs.