The June edition of 5280 Magazine highlights the reality of self-representation in Colorado’s civil courts. Referencing the first-hand experience of a litigant who navigated her way through the family court process without an attorney… MORE
Last summer, the Washington State Bar Association held its first round of exams in a new Limited License Legal Technician program (LLLT) aimed at bridging the access to justice gap by allowing non-lawyers to provide legal advice and… MORE
“It is no secret that high-conflict litigation, particularly over a protracted period of time, only serves to increase hostility between a couple,” said Josepha Madigan, a member of the Irish Parliament who is advocating for a… MORE
As the legal profession and technology (and society at large) continue to evolve, many legal educators are working on creative ways to adapt their teaching methods and ensure that today’s students have the skills they need to meet the challenges of… MORE
IAALS is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2016. Throughout the year, we will be featuring guest posts from our colleagues and partners to recap our accomplishments and national impact—and look to the future ahead. The full series of posts will be… MORE
Peter Salem, M.A., is executive director of the Association of Family of Conciliation Courts (AFCC) an interdisciplinary and international association of more than 5,000 members worldwide. He served as AFCC associate director from 1994-2002. He… MORE
The National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP) recently released Canadian data on case outcomes for self-represented litigants (SRLs). These new figures come shortly after NSRLP published research showing that in cases where a self-… MORE
Procedural fairness continues to be an area of great importance in the landscape of efforts to improve civil justice. The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) recently produced four informative training videos that explore how… MORE
The National Center for State Courts’ 2016 Trends in State Courts includes an article focused on the impact that high-volume cases, such as consumer debt collection, landlord/tenant, and small claims, have on the overall civil… MORE
In Maryland, the creation of special family divisions in the state’s five largest jurisdictions has transformed the way courts handle family law cases. A recent article in the National Center for State Courts’ 2016 Trends in State Courts explains… MORE