The Rule of Law is absolutely under attack in the United States of America—from elected officials, state legislative bodies, and groups of individuals. The attacks are apparent in politicians’ tirades, legislative proposals that would limit the… MORE
For years, there is one piece of advice I give prospective law students that hasn’t changed: take time off before you go to law school. Work, travel, volunteer. Do something that isn’t school. Experience the world, whatever that means to you.
So it… MORE
This month, the Virginia Supreme Court begin pilot testing a performance evaluation program for its appellate judges. Among the sources of guidance to which the court looked in developing the pilot program was IAALS’ Recommended Tools for Evaluating… MORE
Washington State’s innovative Limited License Legal Technicians (LLLT) program was recently evaluated by the National Center for State Courts and found to be a well-designed program for expanding legal assistance.
LLLTs are non-lawyers who are… MORE
Our O’Connor Advisory Committee (OAC) members are sounding the alarm about a growing and concerning pattern: state lawmakers all but declaring war on our courts. In defense of America’s system of checks and balances, the OAC banded together on an op… MORE
Richard H. Middleton, Jr., is the owner and senior trial attorney in The Middleton Firm, LLC which is based in Savannah, Georgia. Middleton’s practice has spanned more than 30 years, primarily devoted to the representation of individuals who have… MORE
Recommendations by Conference of Chief Justices Advance with Release of New Roadmap and Demonstration Pilots
The effort to create a 21st Century system of justice is advancing. Today, IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal… MORE
IAALS simply would not be what it is without the support of our partners and friends. They are essential to our efforts and hail from a wide range of backgrounds, viewpoints, and sectors. Every month, IAALS will shine the spotlight on one such… MORE
Interoperability Standards for Litigant Portal in Development with OASIS
In three quarters of all civil cases, at least one party is going to court without an attorney and navigating a legal system not designed for the layperson’s use. To help… MORE
This week, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed legislation to reauthorize and restructure the state’s judicial performance evaluation (JPE) program. Colorado was one of the first states in the nation to establish a JPE program to help judges… MORE