(Review of Rachel Arnow-Richman and Nantiya Ruan, Developing Professional Skills: Workplace Law (West 2016))
There is an exciting movement toward practical legal education in U.S. law schools. There are many good reasons for this movement,… MORE
Rebecca Chopp, Ph.D., has been chancellor of the University of Denver since September 2014. Informed by a campus-wide listening tour during her first 100 days, Chopp announced a community-wide strategic planning effort called Imagine DU. Through… MORE
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) released a Request for Proposals to identify potential participants in a pilot project for implementing access to justice portals. The legal access portal concept emerged from the 2013 LSC… MORE
At a point when public mistrust of the government seems to be at an all-time high, a recent survey conducted by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) shows that public opinion of at least one branch of government is trending in the… MORE
We are reaching out to encourage you—as a supporter of our work—to vote! Recently, the Center for Out-of-Court Divorce, together with IAALS at the University of Denver, was honored to be a nominee for the 2017 American Bar Association Louis M.… MORE
IAALS is pleased to welcome Dona Playton as its new Director of the Honoring Families Initiative effective December 23, 2016. Dona comes to IAALS from the University of Wyoming College of Law where she was a senior lecturer as well as the Director… MORE
Our Foundations for Practice project has permeated the profession as law schools and legal employers seek to bridge the gap between ensuring students learn the right skills and competencies to be successful in practice and ensuring legal… MORE
Daniel Ritchie, and his longtime assistant, Carolyn Foster, are moving into offices here at IAALS this week.
They left campus eleven years ago when Dan stepped down as Chancellor of the University of Denver. But, throughout his various… MORE
It has been just over a year since substantial changes were made to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, aimed at reducing the high costs and long delays faced by civil court litigants. And, this effort has not been limited to the federal… MORE
New IAALS Report Offers Insights for Legal Employers and
Aims to Close the Employment Gap
Many legal employers still rely on criteria like class rank, law school prestige, and law review participation to inform hiring decisions, but how effective… MORE