Are you a university law professor applying innovative teaching strategies in your classroom? If yes, please share with us your teaching methodology, tips, and activities so that we can post them on our website. You can do this one of two ways:… MORE
These Terms of Use (“User Terms”) set forth the terms and conditions governing your… MORE
Zack DeMeola was Director of Legal Education and the Legal Profession at IAALS until 2022, where he focused on improving the delivery of legal services through a variety of projects that focus on the regulation of legal services,… MORE
Family separation can be very stressful. Everyone in the family goes through changes, including parents, children, and other family members. You may also have more expenses, such as a second home, while living on the same income. Dividing property,… MORE
Today’s family law system requires its participants to navigate a variety of court and dispute resolution processes and to understand complex legal issues. Yet, due to a number of economic and social forces, there are an increasing number of self-… MORE
The use of unbundled legal services is growing rapidly. An increasing number of jurisdictions explicitly allow unbundling and a growing number of attorneys are offering the service. Yet many attorneys remain unaware of its availability. As this… MORE
What is “unbundled legal services”?
What are different types of unbundled legal services?
Is it permissible to ghostwrite pleadings for my client?
What is “unbundled legal services”?
“Unbundled legal services” is also known as limited scope… MORE
Why is there increased interest in providing unbundled legal services?
How will unbundling help to increase access to legal services for litigants who choose to represent themselves?
Does providing unbundled legal services benefit my family… MORE
Does my state allow for the practice of unbundled legal services?
Should I worry about the ethics of providing limited scope representation?
What do the ABA Model Rules mean by “reasonable under the circumstances”?
What do the ABA Model Rules… MORE
Zach Willis is the Associate Director of Communications at IAALS. He oversees outreach for the organization, including online content, print publications, marketing, and media. He joined IAALS in September 2012.
Before coming to… MORE