Law schools across the country are talking about learning outcomes—what should they be, how do you develop them, and how do you measure them? Our 5th Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference focused on how to create meaningful learning outcomes, how to measure whether those outcomes are being met, and how to turn those outcomes into tangible hiring criteria for legal employers.
Recent IAALS research on self-representation in family courts suggests that litigants would benefit greatly from having assistance navigating the court process. In June 2016, IAALS brought together experts from around the country to explore how litigant portals and related online self-help solutions can be leveraged to better serve divorce and separation litigants who do not have lawyers to repr
O’Connor Advisory Committee Meeting
Phoenix, Arizona
April 2016
Foundations for Practice: What New Lawyers Need
At the 4th Annual Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers Conference in October 2015, ETL presented initial findings of the Foundations for Practice survey, based on the more than 24,000 respondents in all 50 states and representing most types of work settings and practice. This encore webinar is only available to faculty and staff at ETL Consortium schools and ETL Fellows.
The Cable Center | 2000 Buchtel Blvd., Denver, Colorado 80210
On April 21, 2016, IAALS held its annual Rebuilding Justice Award Dinner, which recognizes individuals who exemplify the spirit of innovation and leadership that we champion across all of our work. This year, we celebrated our 10th Anniversary, our achievements, and we recognized the individuals, groups, leaders, and stakeholders who helped lay the groundwork to make it happen.
Business Leadership Network / Law Firm Council - Joint Meeting
Recent Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: What They Mean for Your Practice
Presented by Judge David G. Campbell, U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, former Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
In November 2015, IAALS held a convening of thought leaders from a cross-section of the family law bar, and who are representative of the practice and broader community, to leverage the bar's expertise to better serve clients and their children.
At the 4th Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference, we debuted survey results from our Foundations for Practice project, following a survey of attorneys nationwide to identify the foundations entry-level lawyers need for practice.
September 2015
Law Firm Council - Breakfast Program
"Beyond Recommendations for Reform: Implementation and Culture Change" with Magistrate Judge Craig B. Schaffer, U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, and Judge Jerome B. Abrams, First Judicial District of Minnesota. Held in Denver, Colorado.
Lawyers providing personal legal services cover a wide spectrum and are all subject to changes beyond their control. The 20th century model of providing legal services is in question with lawyers facing both pressures and opportunities to change. This conference looked at that business model, looked at the potential for change, and set out a course to assure that legal services are vital moving
In June 2015, IAALS convened a group of plaintiffs’ attorneys from Colorado and around the country to discuss the present and future impact of civil justice reform in the United States.
May 2015
Foundations for Practice - Advisory Group Meeting
Part of DIAALOGUES, a groundbreaking series of national conversations designed to bring together the best minds in the country to forge solutions to the most pressing issues facing the American legal system. Sponsored by El Pomar Foundation, DIAALOGUES took place at Penrose House and the historic Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado.