Legal education has been undergoing a great metamorphosis to adapt to a changing legal market. In recent years, we have witnessed an increase of interest in experiential learning, with the ultimate goal of getting law students ready to enter the… MORE
We are excited to open registration for IAALS’ Fourth Civil Justice Reform Summit, which will be held in Denver, February 25-26, 2016. The Summit will feature nationally renowned faculty discussing the challenges of implementing change and… MORE
I am sitting at the kitchen table at the ranch house, watching the sun rise. The sun is lighting the hills, one by one. It occurs to me—sappy or idealistic as it may seem—that a new day is also dawning on how courts handle civil cases, hill by… MORE
The ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services has published an issue paper exploring the development of new categories of judicially-authorized-and-regulated legal services providers. The Commission is seeking comments on:
Whether the… MORE
Natalie Anne Knowlton was an advisor on regulatory innovation at IAALS and is Co-Founder of Access to Justice Ventures, LLC. She formerly served as the Director of Special Projects at IAALS, leading the organization’s work in family justice and… MORE
November 2015 is the 75th anniversary of the Missouri Plan, an innovative approach to selecting state judges intended to preserve their impartiality while holding them publicly accountable for their performance on the bench. First adopted by… MORE
Our collective view of litigation is a bit like the old New Yorker map, which shows New York City magnified, and then skips most of the rest of the country, landing on the west coast. Thomas Clarke, Vice President of Research & Technology for… MORE
Honoring Families recently convened a diverse cross-section of the national family law bar, with the goal of identifying and discussing improvements to the system that would allow all practitioners to better serve clients and children. Part of… MORE
When spending in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court election surged to more than $16.5 million this month, it set a new record in U.S. history.
Special interests opened their checkbooks to fund malicious ads accusing candidates of issuing “… MORE
A wave of new amendments to the federal rules of civil procedure will take effect Tuesday, Dec. 1, sparking cultural and operational changes to the nation’s legal system. Approved last April by the U.S. Supreme Court, the amendments are intended to… MORE