Mitch Morrissey was elected District Attorney of Denver, Colorado in November 2004 and was sworn into office on January 11, 2005. Mr. Morrissey is internationally recognized for his expertise in DNA technology, applying that technology in criminal… MORE
Starting today, IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver, in partnership with NEWMEDIA, a Denver-based full-service website design and development agency, has a new online home to showcase its… MORE
The United Kingdom is experimenting with a new and innovative approach to resolving family legal issues through the Family Solutions Court. Judge John Altman, the Designated Family Judge for London, launched the program, which provides… MORE
The U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado has published new Guidelines Addressing the Discovery of Electronically Stored Information and a Checklist for Rule 26(f) Meet-and-Confer Regarding Electronically Stored Information. The… MORE
Family court is often the only experience that people will have with the judicial process, through divorce, separation, and parental responsibility/custody matters. Unfortunately, even though family court judges are responsible for handling some of… MORE
Can the 20th Century model of legal services delivery rise to the challenges and opportunities created by changes in society and the legal industry?
And, can clients get the access to justice they deserve through the traditional models of legal… MORE
As of July 1, 2015, Colorado has adopted new amendments to its rules of civil procedure with the goal of achieving a more accessible and efficient road to justice. The amended rules seek to increase the involvement of judges in pretrial activity,… MORE
A robust discussion continues in the United States about the need to improve the delivery of legal services. During the American Bar Association’s (ABA) National Summit on Innovation in Legal Services, participants explored ways to bridge the access… MORE
The Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies has issued a call for public comment on its Guidelines and Suggested Practices for Implementing the 2015 Discovery Amendments to Achieve Proportionality. The Guidelines have their genesis in the Duke Law… MORE
On the occasion of his retirement, John Lande, now Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri School of Law and ETL Fellow, collected his advice to law students and lawyers in an essay entitled “My Last Lecture: More Unsolicited Advice for… MORE