Facing sentencing for a corruption conviction and a house resolution calling for her impeachment, Justice Joan Orie Melvin announced her resignation, effective May 1. The vacancy could be filled in one of two ways: Governor Tom Corbett could appoint… MORE
Consistent with the promise made in its mission statement to “blend practical skills training with legal theory throughout the curriculum,” Golden Gate University School of Law integrates skills training and professional development across its… MORE
According to The New York Times, divorce filings in China have surged recently due to married couples' desire to avoid the country's new 20 percent capital gains tax. Because the tax only applies to second home sales, many couples… MORE
The New York Times reports more immigrant couples living in separate countries are now utilizing online video chat services to marry despite the distance. These internet marriages are a modern form of proxy marriages that date… MORE
In a recent article, The Guardian discusses why mediation may be the quicker, cheaper, and less confrontational avenue for divorce in the United Kingdom. According to the article, non-mediated divorce takes nearly 450 days on average and… MORE
Kristen Uhl Hulse is the Legal Education and Employment Advisor for IAALS' Foundations for Practice project. She brings to the role nearly twenty years of experience working in legal education, attorney… MORE
The New York Times has published a debate about prenups, with several commentators recommending prenuptial agreements for those "who have sizeable wealth, own a business or are entering into a second marriage with… MORE
IAALS' new publication, A Roadmap for Review: Guide for Appraisal and Improvement of Caseflow Management in Civil Cases in U.S. District Courts, provides the tools for any interested federal judge to make a quick, initial assessment of the… MORE
The Iowa Supreme Court is moving forward with implementation of a Business Specialty Court Pilot Project and will begin receiving cases on May 1, 2013. The Business Specialty Court Pilot Project grows out of the recommendations of Iowa's… MORE
In an article in the March edition of The Colorado Lawyer titled "'No Written Discovery Motions' Technique Reduces Delays, Costs, and Judges' Workloads", Colorado attorney Richard P. Holme touts the “no written discovery motions” technique, whereby… MORE