There is strong interest in the ongoing impact of the pandemic on filings in our courts, and with it a renewed interest in filings more generally. While it is critical to look at filings in the short term given the challenges of the pandemic and the… MORE
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On August 15, 2020, the Utah Supreme Court issued Standing Order No. 15, which established a regulatory sandbox for new kinds of legal services and service providers—those disallowed under the traditional… MORE
James Teufel, MPH, PhD, is an Evaluation and Regulatory Reform Consultant of IAALS. Dr. Teufel was the founding Director of Data of the Utah Supreme Court’s Office of Legal Services Innovation (OLSI) and the founding Data Analyst of Law Society of… MORE
Barbara Arnold rejoined New Mexico's Judiciary as the Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission (JPEC) Program Manager in February 2022. Barbara worked previously with the New Mexico courts as Drug Court Program Manager in 2014 and as Court… MORE
Preceding the ABA/NLADA Equal Justice Conference, a group of stakeholders met to discuss the mission and vision for a new project IAALS is launching in partnership with The Chicago Bar Foundation in the fall of 2023.
In April, the Colorado Access to Justice Commission released a strategic vision report, which outlines its two-year plan to advance access to justice throughout the state. The commission’s four priority areas include expanding legal services in… MORE
The introduction of allied legal professionals into the legal profession is a response to the call for greater access to justice, particularly for people who fall between not qualifying for legal aid and not being able to afford an attorney—which is… MORE
IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver, announced today the release of its new report, Allied Legal Professionals: A National Framework for Program Growth. As part of IAALS’ Allied Legal… MORE