• Image of Carolyn A. Tyler
    Carolyn A. Tyler
Our O’Connor Advisory Committee (OAC) members are sounding the alarm about a growing and concerning pattern: state lawmakers all but declaring war on our courts. In defense of America’s system of checks and balances, the OAC banded together on an op-ed that ran in the Arizona Republic last week. In “If you like checks and balances, these bills to usurp the courts should worry you,” the OAC explains how legislation in Arizona is an example of the 41 bills introduced in 15 states this year that would “control the ways by which judges reach the bench, unseat judges currently on courts, and generally restrict courts’ jurisdiction and power,” should they become law. They argue that these state bills interfere with the independence of the judiciary and threaten our democracy.
  • Image of Dona Playton
    Dona Playton
Washington State’s innovative Limited License Legal Technicians (LLLT) program was recently evaluated by the National Center for State Courts and found to be a well-designed program for expanding legal assistance. LLLTs are non-lawyers who are specially trained to provide certain kinds of legal assistance. And, unlike paralegals, LLLTs practice without having to be supervised by a lawyer. Becoming a LLLT requires an associate-level degree of at least 45 credits and an additional 15 credits in family law from an ABA-approved law school. In Washington, the training is provided by the University of Washington School of Law, with Gonzaga University School of Law professors helping to teach the courses.
  • Image of Malia Reddick
    Malia Reddick
This month, the Virginia Supreme Court begin pilot testing a performance evaluation program for its appellate judges. Among the sources of guidance to which the court looked in developing the pilot program was IAALS’ Recommended Tools for Evaluating Appellate Judges. With the implementation of this program, Virginia joins ten other states that seek input on appellate judges’ job performance from attorneys and other judges. This feedback is used by appellate judges for self-improvement, and it is also shared with the public to ensure trust and confidence in the judiciary.
  • Image of Alli Gerkman
    Alli Gerkman
It didn’t surprise me when lawyers responding to our Foundations for Practice survey indicated that “life experience between college and law school” was helpful in identifying that a new lawyer has the foundations (characteristics, professional competencies, and legal skills) that they believe are important.
  • Image of Mark Staines
    Mark Staines
When Edgar Barraza came to the United States as an 11-year-old undocumented immigrant in 1998 the odds seemed stacked against him. He spoke little...
  • Image of Rebecca Love Kourlis
    Rebecca Love Kourlis
The Rule of Law is absolutely under attack in the United States of America—from elected officials, state legislative bodies, and groups of individuals. The attacks are apparent in politicians’ tirades, legislative proposals that would limit the authority of courts, and assaults on established principles of law such as federal versus state authority. But, the solution is not to put sandbags along the perimeters and bemoan the idiocy of some people.
  • Image of Mark Staines
    Mark Staines
Recently a federal judge in Connecticut laid the "smackdown" on World Wide Wrestling, Inc., (WWE) by denying its motion for summary judgment against...
  • Image of Dona Playton
    Dona Playton
Consumer demand and innovations in the legal marketplace, especially technological advances, are leading the charge for changes in the legal profession. Many legal educators, lawyers, court administrators, and judges are embracing the evolution, but others are still reluctant to disrupt the status quo.
  • Image of Zachary Willis
    Zachary Willis
During a recent gala in Denver, IAALS presented El Pomar Foundation, William J. Hybl, and Kyle H. Hybl with our highest honor, the Rebuilding Justice Award. El Pomar Foundation and the Hybls were recognized for their generous support of our DIAALOGUES series of convenings, which have helped expand our impact and the impact of our work on a national scale. These remarkable gatherings are a hallmark of IAALS' process and bring together key stakeholders to forge practical solutions to the most pressing challenges in today’s legal system.
  • Image of Dona Playton
    Dona Playton
On the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., is the proclamation “Equal Justice Under Law.” However, according to our Cases Without Counsel study, in some jurisdictions nearly 80 percent of people with a court case end up representing themselves. For many, not being able to afford a lawyer is the main reason for the wide justice gap.
  • Image of Rebecca Love Kourlis
    Rebecca Love Kourlis
Now that a simple majority of votes suffice to confirm a Supreme Court Justice, each party will invariably put forward the most ideologically-extreme candidates that they can. No more moderates, no more coalition-builders, no more impartial judges. Rather, the Court could be populated, over time, by judges who have partisan instincts or agendas—maybe even by judges who have a particular alignment with the president who nominates them.
  • Image of Carolyn A. Tyler
    Carolyn A. Tyler
On Thursday, April 20, IAALS will present El Pomar Foundation, William J. Hybl, and Kyle H. Hybl with the 2017 Rebuilding Justice Award at our 10th annual gala event. El Pomar Foundation and the Hybls have been instrumental partners for many years and their generous support of our DIAALOGUES series of convenings has helped expand our impact and the impact of our work on a national scale. In addition to their longstanding support of the University of Denver, El Pomar Foundation and the Hybls are consistent and generous supporters of IAALS and have funded and hosted a total of six DIAALOGUES since 2013. These remarkable gatherings are a hallmark of our process and are held at the Penrose House in Colorado Springs, where great minds come together and forge practical solutions to the most pressing challenges in today’s legal system.