Whether law students are practice-ready after graduation depends greatly upon whom you ask. In BARBRI's first “State of the Legal Field Survey,” 70% of third-year law students thought they possessed “sufficient practice skills” and 76% believed they… MORE
In a recent article, Professor Clare Huntington, Fordham University School of Law, argues for family law reforms that address the “seismic shift” occurring in American families. Today, more and more children are born to unmarried parents. These… MORE
On March 6, University of Maine Visiting Professor and University Counsel Jeffrey Thaler published a paper on Meeting Law Students' Experiential Needs in the Classroom: Building an Administrative Law Practicum Implementing the Revised ABA Standards… MORE
In a recent blog post, Richard Zorza shares some thoughts on improving services for self-represented litigants in the United States. Zorza, coordinator of the national Self Represented Litigation Network (SRLN), believes that the legal system must… MORE
Course Portfolio: Copyright Law
Professor Madison writes and teaches about intellectual property law and policy, and about questions concerning the production and distribution of knowledge and innovation. He is the author of more than 30 journal… MORE
The Women's Legal Centre ACT (Australian Capital Territory), in the Australian capital of Canberra, has opened a divorce clinic for women from diverse cultural backgrounds. The clinic provides free legal advice and representation to… MORE
The ABA Section of Dispute Resolution has awarded IAALS and the Resource Center for Separating and Divorcing Families (RCSDF) the 2015 John W. Cooley Lawyer as Problem Solver Award. This honor is bestowed upon individuals and organizations that… MORE
The Colorado Supreme Court has requested comments on proposed amendments to the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. The changes are focused on improving access to the civil justice system by making pretrial case management more efficient, thereby… MORE
Mark your calendars! The 4th Annual Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers Conference will take place October 1-3, 2015, in Denver, Colorado.
Each year, this conference has brought leaders in legal education together to collaborate on ways to retool… MORE
This month, IAALS—the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver—will hold its annual Rebuilding Justice Award Dinner. The award recognizes individuals who exemplify the spirit of innovation and leadership… MORE