On August 12, retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor delivered the keynote address at the 2013 Legislative Summit of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) in Atlanta, Georgia. Justice O'Connor spoke about two areas… MORE
For the second time in his tenure—and the second time in state history—New Jersey Governor Chris Christie declined to renominate a sitting supreme court justice. Christie offered two rationales for the decision to pass over Justice Helen Hoens… MORE
A recent piece in the Chicago Sun-Times sheds light on the process for selecting judges in Cook County, Illinois. Earlier this month, the Cook County Democratic Party's Judicial Selection Committee met to "slate" candidates, a process through… MORE
Effective July 1, 2013, two current IAALS managers stepped up to lead their respective divisions. Corina Gerety has assumed the role of Director of Research and Brittany Kauffman is now Director of the Rule One Initiative. Gerety came to IAALS in… MORE
Logan Cornett serves in two intersecting roles at IAALS. As Director of Research, she leads the empirical aspects of IAALS’ work. Cornett is a rigorous methodologist with almost two decades of experience working in various research and evaluation… MORE
preLaw Magazine's 2013 Back to School issue highlights numerous achievements from our Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers Consortium schools.
In an article discussing some of the more recent and important developments in legal education, Hofstra… MORE
Last week, Governor Brownback nominated his chief counsel, Caleb Stegall, to a newly created seat on Kansas' court of appeals, reigniting a war of words between his supporters and detractors. The judicial selection saga in Kansas began… MORE
Last week, during a town hall at Binghamton University, President Obama jumped into the legal education fray when he suggested that law schools could increase the value of a law degree without sacrificing its quality by moving from a three-year… MORE
The Delaware Legislature recently passed a resolution requesting a study to examine the possibility of opening Family Court proceedings to the public. Delaware's legislature has shown a long history of interest in opening such… MORE
In the latest edition of Unified Family Court Connection, IAALS Honoring Families Initiative Advisory Committee members William J. Howe, III and Justice Paul J. DeMuniz highlight Oregon's efforts to better serve children and families dealing with… MORE