Welcome to IAALS’ first ever Unlocking Legal Regulation newsletter! We’re thrilled to keep you updated on our vital work towards making legal services more accessible.
Our Unlocking Legal Regulation project is about taking a bold step forward and laying the foundation for a consumer-centered regulatory system to ensure a more robust market for high-quality legal services—one that is competitive, broadly accessible, and better meets the needs of all people, everywhere. In this monthly newsletter, you can expect to find recent news and updates, information regarding upcoming events (like our speaker series), recommended reading from regulatory reform thought leaders, and more.
As we work with Utah as an independent third-party evaluator while they implement a first-of-its-kind regulatory sandbox—and as we push for bold change in other states—we’re committed to keeping our supporters and partners up to date on not only IAALS’ efforts, but also on the extraordinary efforts underway across the country to change the way legal services are delivered. This work has become more important than ever, with millions of Americans unemployed, hundreds of thousands sick, and a depression on the horizon. Join us as we work with others to open doors for people in need, lawyers, and other service providers to reimagine the future of legal services. |
Zack DeMeola, IAALS Director of Legal Education and the Legal Profession
August 2020 |
July 2: "The state Supreme Court has failed Washingtonians who need affordable legal services" in The Seattle Times
July 6: "Regulatory Reform and Racial Justice" on IAALS' blog
July 14: "A Rallying Cry for Comments on Utah Regulatory Innovation Efforts" on IAALS' blog
July 16: "California Closing the Justice Gap Working Group Should Include More Consumer and Public Voices" on IAALS' blog
July 22: "CBA/CBF Task Force on the Sustainable Practice of Law & Innovation Releases Report and Recommendations for Public Comment" on the Chicago Bar Foundation's website
July 22: "Attorney Regulatory Reform: Where Do We Stand?" in 2Civility
July 28: "Will the COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally remake the legal industry?" in ABA Journal
July 30: "Leaders Call for the Expansion of Legal Services by Unlocking Legal Regulation" on IAALS' blog
July 30: "Overview of states considering regulatory changes" in Legal Evolution
August 6: "How to navigate 'parochial and self-interested concerns'" in Legal Evolution
August 17: "Utah Supreme Court Makes History with Vote to Establish Regulatory Sandbox" on IAALS' blog |
Featured News
Utah's Supreme Court unanimously voted on August 13, 2020, to approve the regulatory sandbox pilot program.
Visit our Knowledge Center to track what's happening around the country and the world when it comes to legal regulation, as well as submit information and sign up for notifications.
August 20 from 11 a.m.–12 p.m. MDT
IAALS and the University of Denver Sturm College of Law will co-host a virtual panel discussion on how regulatory reform—and the innovative and diverse ecosystems such reform can create—can help address issues of racial injustice.
This esteemed panel features legal industry leaders and access to justice advocates Rohan Pavuluri (Co-Founder/CEO, Upsolve), Andrea S. Jarmon (Founder, Jarmon Law Group), and Andrew Arruda (Co-Founder/CEO, ROSS Intelligence). Our panelists and the ensuing discussion will focus on concrete efforts to change these regulatory structures and how members of the legal profession can lead around these efforts. Free registration is now open.
Bob Glaves has been Executive Director of The Chicago Bar Foundation since October 1999, prior to which he had a successful nine-year career as a civil litigator at the Chicago law firm then known as Menges, Mikus & Molzahn. |
“We are going to fight the unauthorized practice of law!” Bar leaders everywhere have sworn to lead that fight, yet ask them to define what that means and the answer almost always amounts to “we know it when we see it.”
This is not a good look for our profession when so few people have access to our services—it clouds the critical role lawyers do play in the system at the same time that it stifles innovation and discourages others who can and should be part of the solution.
That is why the CBA/CBF Task Force on the Sustainable Practice of Law & Innovation has made more clearly defining the practice of law a central part of its comprehensive set of recommendations for regulatory reform in Illinois.
In taking on this challenge, along with more succinctly defining what is the practice of law, we found it just as important to give more clarity on what does not constitute the practice of law. That includes providing a clear and accessible safe harbor, and our proposed definition dovetails with other Task Force recommendations that would provide that safe harbor for innovators, lay advocates, and other professionals who are necessary partners in the cause: community justice navigators, approved legal technology providers, intermediary entities, and licensed paralegals.
There is no doubt we can do much better on this front, and you can learn more about the Task Force recommendation in this pocket chat and in the Task Force report. |
The Chicago Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Foundation officially launched the Task Force on the Sustainable Practice of Law & Innovation last October, in order to help shape a better future for our profession, the public, and the justice system.
The public comment period for the task force's report is open through August 21, 2020, and both written and verbal feedback are welcome. Submit your feedback here. |
IAALS is a national, independent research center dedicated to facilitating continuous improvement and advancing excellence in the American legal system. Our mission is to forge innovative and practical solutions to problems within the American legal system.
in the Future of the American Legal System