In a recent article in The Colorado Lawyer, Judge Elizabeth Starrs gives practitioners insight from the bench, including helpful practice tips and an explanation of the Denver domestic relations process. Many of her observations suggest the… MORE
The Iowa Supreme Court has requested comments on proposed amendments to the discovery provisions in the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure and a proposed new rule allowing for streamlined and expedited civil actions for cases involving $75,000 or less in… MORE
Documentary film Divorce Corp opens in cities across the country today, drawing critical attention to family courts and those involved in the system, such as attorneys, judges, and custody evaluators. Directed by first-time filmmaker Joseph… MORE
Marcus W. Reinkensmeyer is the Director of Court Services for the Administrative Office of the Courts, Supreme Court of Arizona. Previously, he served as the Court Administrator, Chief Deputy Court Administrator, and Director of Judicial Information… MORE
IAALS Executive Director Rebecca Love Kourlis recently joined John J. Jablonski, a partner with Goldberg Segalla, in a discussion about the proposed federal rule amendments, as published by the Washington Legal Foundation in their “Conversations… MORE
Professor Steven Friedland of Elon University School of Law uses a problem-based teaching method to guide his required, upper-level Evidence Law course. Drawing upon his trial experience as a prosecutor, Friedland's course is conducted as a form of… MORE
Dean Rachel Van Cleave of Golden Gate University School of Law recently published an article discussing the optimism of current law students and the responsibility of law schools to "have the courage to make our students' success our first… MORE
For over 75 years, American civil courts have operated under rules intended to “secure a just, speedy, and inexpensive” resolution of cases. In far too many courts around the country, though, the system is falling short of this promise, with cases… MORE
A Tennessee trial court judge has ruled that the composition of the state's judicial performance evaluation commission violates the state constitution. The challenge was brought by attorney John Jay Hooker, who has "spent decades crusading… MORE
For the first time in more than 40 years, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has amended its Code of Judicial Conduct. Among the new rules is a provision that requires judges to recuse themselves from hearing cases where "the judge knows or learns… MORE