The issue of social media and juries is not a new one, but a recent study sought to identify ways courts can minimize juror-use of social media and better protect the long-standing institution of a fair and impartial jury. The study, performed… MORE
The "Plain Language Movement" has been afoot for many years in the United States, seeking to make legal documents accessible to a broad swath of intended readers. The movement is driven by many factors including the increasing number of self-… MORE
For the second year in a row, the U.S. News and World Report's 2015 law school rankings have taken advantage of the rich employment data now made public by the American Bar Association. Placement accounts for 20% of the USNWR rankings. Job outcomes… MORE
The Agenda Book for the upcoming meeting of the federal Advisory Committee on Civil Rules (April 10-11, 2014) is now available online. The Agenda Book includes reports from the Duke and Discovery Subcommittees, along with the Subcommittees' current… MORE
With state legislatures in session around the country and considering bills that would impact the selection and tenure of state judges, IAALS Online provides this summary of where things stand at the end of March.
The Alaska legislature continues… MORE
IAALS Executive Director Rebecca Love Kourlis was interviewed recently on Divorce Source Radio, a resource for individuals and families going through divorce. The show's hosts, Deborah Moskovitch and Steve Peck, explore the challenges that family… MORE
IAALS is pleased to announce the completion of its preliminary evaluation report on the Colorado Civil Access Pilot Project (CAPP), which tests a new set of pre-trial procedures for business actions in state district court. The project, which… MORE
Four of the seven seats on the North Carolina Supreme Court are on the ballot in November. The current ideological balance on the court is 4-3, with a Republican majority, and three of the four seats up for election are currently held by Democrats… MORE
Celebrity couple Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin recently announced their intent to separate, and asked for privacy during their period of “conscious uncoupling.” For many, this announcement was their first exposure to this term, which has been… MORE
Marnee Baker managed Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers until spring 2013. The initiative encourages innovation in law teaching through collaboration, discussion, and support for developing and measuring innovative teaching techniques. Baker… MORE